RCSA Teacher Selected for National History Day Spring Webinar Series

One of RCSA’s very own, Mr. Jason Dalton, has been selected for a National History Day spring professional development program! National History Day is a research-based non-profit organization that was established in 1974 to highlight the importance of teaching and learning about history. This organization’s affiliates include all 50 states and the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and international school programs in China, South Asia, and South Korea!

Mr. Dalton will be working with 119 other teachers, using online Library of Congress resources to develop and support historical arguments. This course is a feature of NHD’s membership in the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium. Upon completion, Mr. Dalton will have demonstrated the ability to share with his students key strategies for researching, supporting, and presenting historical arguments.

The Executive Director of NHD, Dr. Cathy Gorn, took the time to congratulate and welcome Mr. Dalton. “The skills and strategies Mr. Dalton is developing through this series will benefit his students over the course of their academic and professional careers. As a Library of Congress TPS Consortium member, NHD is incredibly fortunate to be able to offer this opportunity for teachers, especially now as teachers and students continue to address challenges of non-traditional learning settings required by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”

This is such an exciting opportunity, and we are thrilled for Mr. Dalton!

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